Clarkson is everything I dreamed he would be and more. He is, as far as I can tell, a muppet baby. A snow white, muppet baby that is hilarious, curious, adorable, and incapable of going to the bathroom outside. He's been with us for a little over 48 hours so far...we've had three poops and numerous pees, all within the confines of our tiny carpeted stairwell leading up to the Two Tommies roofdeck. Not one time has he gone outside. Not one time has he gone on this weird dog toilet contraption that we bought for him and put on the roof. All inside. All while we were not looking at him (for those 3.5 seconds each hour). All on the stairwell. At least, he is smart enough to not go in front of us, and he also doesn't go on any of our furniture/rugs. Only on the stairwell.
Today, after catching him right in the middle of trying to go number 2, I panicked, picked him up and immediately ran up the stairs and out the door. Clarkson, like most of us, was unable it. So basically I was running and screaming with a pooing dog on my hands. Yep. He was pooing, I was screaming. It was chaos.
An important part of this story: Joe can't handle the poo. Like, at all. Joe frantically followed up the stairs, the whole time shouting "I'm going to be sick, I'm going to be sick!" I turned around (with the pooing dog in my hands) to tell him he wasn't helping, and well, Clarkson was done. I tried, unsuccessfully to catch my 2-month-old puppy's falling poop.
He's still pretty awesome though, observe:
- At night, he goes to sleep immediately with little to no whining, which is awesome.
- He follows us everywhere we go; we can never leave a room without him trotting right behind us.
- He chased his tail for about 20 minutes tonight.
- He was good around Amanda's two-year-old today.
- He was excited when I got home from work today, and he's known me for like 20 minutes.
- He's super effing cute.
See? Totally awesome.
Days with Clarkson: 2
Days woken up at 5:30 a.m because Clarkson wanted to play: 2
Clarkson is the best, I am enjoying the blog, he is getting bigger, can't wait to see him again in person.